Projects Abroad volunteers taking part in football coaching for high school students in Ghana donate new equipment to a local team.

Volunteer Football Coaching for High School Students in Ghana

Travel with teenagers your age and get coaching experience working with local coaches and disadvantaged children

Auf einen Blick

  • Work with local professional football coaches to help disadvantaged children improve their skills and confidence.
  • You’ll work at a long-established football club where you’ll coach young boys and give them a healthy and fun way to keep active.
  • The coaches will teach you correct techniques and strategies, as well as basic first aid and lesson planning.
  • Volunteer Service Hours: 40
  • Download a sample itinerary for this project.



Zu den Daten

Minimale Aufenthaltslänge: 

Zwei Wochen



Is volunteering as a teenage football coach in Ghana right for me?

If you are a teenager who loves sport and working with children, then coaching football in Ghana is for you!

You don’t need to be an experienced football player to join. All you need is an interest in sports and a willingness to learn. Professional football coaches will teach you everything you need to know, and our staff are also there to help you if you need it. 

You’ll gain plenty of practical coaching experience in Ghana. This will stand you in good stead if you’re looking to pursue a career in sports coaching or as a physical education teacher in the future.

This High School Special runs over fixed dates during the summer holidays. Your Projects Abroad supervisors will be there to guide and support you every step of the way.

Projects Abroad volunteers taking part in football coaching for high school students in Ghana lead a ball skills practice session with a young team.

What will I be doing during my project in Ghana?

As a volunteer football coach in Ghana, you will work with Tore Eikeland Team in Akuapem or the Billa Future Stars Academy in Accra. Here are some of the tasks you can expect to do during your placement:


  • Learn training techniques and strategies from professional football coaches
  • Prepare football training sessions alongside professional coaches
  • Teach young football players the correct techniques and help them improve their skills
  • Referee at football games and provide match feedback to your players


These are the tasks you’ll focus on during your project:

Learn coaching skills from professional football coaches

Learning the proper training techniques and strategies are key to being a good football coach. Each day, you’ll join a training session with professional coaches who will teach you various aspects of the game. You’ll learn game rules, effective warm-up and cool-down exercises, and match preparation. On top of this, you’ll also learn basic first aid and how to coach different ages groups.

Prepare football training sessions

Alongside professional coaches, you’ll help plan the next day’s football sessions. This will include effective warm-ups that help avoid injury and fitness activities that improve the strength and stamina of players. You’ll also assist with organising and running friendly matches where they can practise against one another.

Help improve the skills and techniques of young football players

Every training session is an opportunity to develop the skills of the children who attend the football club. If you show show enthusiasm and confidence, they’ll follow your lead and instruction. This training will help them improve their:

  • Footwork
  • Ball control
  • Passing skills
  • Overall technique

The more they practise, the better they will play together as a team.

Referee at football games and provide match feedback

After two-weeks of preparing your teams, you’ll be able to show off their improved skills at a local tournament. You’ll may even be able to put your football knowledge to the test by refereeing at the game. You’ll need to keep a close eye on your players, because once the game is over, you’ll provide constructive feedback to each of them. You can share your observations with them and give them advice on where they can improve.

Where in Ghana will I be volunteering?

Akuapem Hills

Located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Akuapem Hills is characterised by vibrant green vegetation and rich red earth. As one of the quieter regions, children calling 'Obroni’ (foreigner) as they try to catch your attention will be unmistakable. The villages are welcoming and know how to entertain! When volunteering in Ghana, join in on the street festivities or try dried fish and yams at a food stall on the main street. The bustling city of Accra is within easy reach for a day trip.

Flughafentransfer, flüge und visa

Nach deiner Ankunft an dem betreffenden Flughafen wirst du von Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen abgeholt. Du findest genauere Informationen zu den Ankunftsflughäfen, der Orientierungsveranstaltung, und Visabestimmungen auf unserer Seite mit Informationen zur Ankunft in Ghana.

What are the aims and impact of this Football Project?

The aim of our Football High School Special in Ghana is to help young boys from disadvantaged areas improve their football skills. Playing football also helps them develop their confidence while having fun getting fit at the same time.

Ghanaians are hugely passionate about football and manage to play the game whenever they have a free moment.

Through regular football coaching and giving the boys a chance to play competitive matches, you’ll contribute to the development of their football skills and techniques. Our goal is to build a team of highly skilled football players that are able to secure scholarships as a result of their athletic ability. We hope to see them play professional football for some of the best football leagues in the world!

Join us in Ghana and work with other teenagers and local coaches to help disadvantaged children develop their football skills.

Projects Abroad volunteers taking part in football coaching for high school students in Ghana help improve the skills of their students.

Das Ausmaß unserer Wirkung

Jedes Jahr setzen sich tausende von Schüler/innen und Praktikant/innen aktiv ein, um positive Veränderungen in der Welt zu schaffen. Während ihrer Zeit im Ausland tragen sie zum Erreichen von langfristigen Zielen bei, und haben eine langfristige, positive Wirkung auf die Gemeinden, in denen sie arbeiten.

Wir stellen jährlich einen High School Specials Impact Report zusammen, der einige der Errungenschaften dokumentiert. Erfahre mehr über die Wirkung dieser Projekte, und lies dir den neuesten Report durch. 

Verpflegung und unterkunft

Du wohnst bei einer Gastfamilie in Accra, Akuapem Hills, oder Cape Coast. Sie heißen dich in ihrem Zuhause willkommen und freuen sich darauf, ihre Gebräuche mit dir zu teilen und mehr über deine Kultur zu erfahren. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass das Leben in einer Gastfamilie der beste Weg ist, um in die Kultur Ghanas einzutauchen und eine wirklich einzigartige Erfahrung zu machen.

In unserem High School Special Programm für Schüler/innen bemühen wir uns immer es zu arrangieren, dass du dein Zimmer mit zumindest einem/einer anderen Freiwilligen oder Praktikant/in des gleichen Geschlechts und etwa gleichen Alters teilst. Dein Zimmer ist einfach ausgestattet, aber gemütlich, sauber und sicher.

Drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag sind in deinen Programmkosten inbegriffen. 

Erfahre mehr über unsere Unterkünfte

Sicherheit und Unterstützung durch unsere Mitarbeiter/innen

Deine Sicherheit ist unser wichtigstes Anliegen. Wir wenden viele Vorgehensweisen und Systeme an, um sicherzustellen, dass du als junger Mensch, der ins Ausland reist, die zusätzliche, nötige Unterstützung bekommst. Unsere Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen stehen dir unter der Woche und an den Wochenenden rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, um dich durchgehend zu unterstützen und zu begleiten. Unser Personal sorgt auch dafür, dass du dich in deinem Projekt und in deiner Unterkunft wohl und sicher fühlst. Falls du irgendwelche Probleme haben solltest, helfen sie dir jederzeit.

Erfahre mehr über Sicherheit und Unterstützung. 

Wenn du dich anmeldest, zahlst du nur 295€, was dann vom Gesamtpreis abgezogen wird. Flexible Zahlungsmethoden und fundraising-Ratschläge erhältlich.

Möchtest du mehr als ein Projekt machen? Dann rufe uns unter +49 3076758685 an und wir schauen ob wir dir einen Rabatt anbieten können. an und wir schauen ob wir dir einen Rabatt anbieten können.

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