Become a Psychology Intern in Mongolia

Psychology Internship in Mongolia

Learn from psychologists in a mental health centre and take part in community outreach work

Auf einen Blick

Join our Psychology internship in Mongolia and learn directly from psychologists who help patients with a variety of mental health conditions. You’ll work at a mental health centre and assist with various tasks. This experience will give you a deeper insight into how a developing country cares for people with mental health illnesses.

There are too few mental health professionals in the country, and extra hands are always needed. Your role is observational, but you’ll be given a research assignment. You’ll also be asked to assist with creating materials for consultations and training. You’ll even get practical experience by doing community-based outreach work. All of this will give your CV an edge, and help you learn more about mental illness in a global context.  

You’ll live and work in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, and stay with a local host family. You’ll have evenings and weekends free to make the most of your time here and explore as much as possible.


Jederzeit wieder

Zu den Daten

Minimale Aufenthaltslänge: 

Zwei Wochen


16 oder älter

Is a Psychology internship in Mongolia right for me?

This internship is perfect for anyone currently studying psychology. You’ll learn directly from an experienced psychologist, which will add valuable experience to your CV. We also run community outreaches where you can learn basic medical skills and use them to help people.

You’ll also have the chance put your theoretical knowledge into practice through observations and research. This will expand your practical knowledge of psychology and give you an understanding of the challenges people with mental illness face.

Please note that due to government regulations in Mongolia, our interns are not permitted to treat or consult with patients directly.

Everyone is able to shadow and learn from general psychologists with this internship. However, you need to have completed at least two years of psychology at university (or related studies) to intern in a clinical setting.

You’ll also need to commit to staying at least two weeks. Our start and end dates are flexible, however, and the project runs throughout the year. So you can choose a time that suits you.

At all times, there will be a qualified supervisor with you. Projects Abroad staff are also available to help you and ensure that you have a memorable and productive time abroad.

Projects Abroad Childcare volunteer teaches children shape games in a care centre during a Psychology work experience in Mongolia.

What will I do on this internship?

You’ll work at one of our psychology placements in Mongolia. You’ll be placed in healthcare centres focused on helping mental health patients. Here are some of the tasks you can expect to do:

  • Assist psychologists by conducting research and data analysis
  • Shadow psychologists during their rounds and sessions with patients
  • Exchange medical knowledge with Mongolian healthcare staff
  • Take part in monthly outreaches for disadvantaged people

Your work will be split in four main areas:

Assist psychologists by conducting research and data analysis

Your main role on the project is to help psychologists with research tasks. Topics you may be asked to research include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Addictive behaviours.   

You will also assist with preparing training and consulting materials. All of your research will focus on mental health and mental illnesses in a Mongolian context. Your supervisor will guide you and offer assistance when needed.

Shadow psychologists during their rounds and sessions with patients

You’ll learn a great deal by shadowing psychologists and psychiatrists on their rounds or during consultations with patients. We also encourage you to ask questions and take notes to learn as much as possible.

If it’s possible at your placement, you can explore different wards. You can speak to your supervisor about this.

Exchange medical knowledge with Mongolian healthcare staff

Depending on your level of experience, you may be asked to prepare and give a presentation to local staff. These topics could include stress management or doctor and patient conflict. You can also suggest new therapy methods to the local staff during these presentations. This is the perfect opportunity for you to show the similarities and differences for treating mental illness in your home country and Mongolia.

Take part in monthly outreaches for disadvantaged people

Every month, we organise a community outreach. These outreaches are held at a community centre and help people from disadvantaged areas. You will help hand out meals, assist the doctor on duty, and distribute medication to people. You’ll get some practical experience by helping to record blood pressure readings or check the weight/height of patients. The doctor on duty will supervise you, and answer any questions you have.

Where in Mongolia will I work?

Ulan Bator

You will be based in the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. You will complete your internship at health care centres in the city. The centres are focused on mental health patients.

Ulaanbaatar is home to over a million people and is the only major settlement in Mongolia. The country is known for its vast open plains and you’ll quickly find that it has a fascinating history and culture. Besides being the home of famous Genghis Khan, founder of the Mongol Empire, the country is also home to wandering nomads.

You will live with a friendly host family in the city for the duration of your trip. You can use this time to get to know your family, talk to them about their lives, and eat as many local dishes as you can!

Flughafentransfer, flüge und visa

Nach deiner Ankunft an dem betreffenden Flughafen wirst du von Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen abgeholt. Du findest genauere Informationen zu den Ankunftsflughäfen, der Orientierungsveranstaltung, und Visabestimmungen auf unserer Seite mit Informationen zur Ankunft in der Mongolei

A typical day at my Psychology placement in Mongolia

You will eat breakfast with your host family, before heading out of the door to your psychology placement in Mongolia. Make sure to pack a white lab coat to wear at your placement if you have one! Or purchase one in Mongolia if your placement requires you to wear one. You can take a bus, walk, or use a trolleybus to get there. During your induction on your first day, we’ll show you the easiest way to get to work.

A typical day on this internship runs from 9am - 3pm, Monday to Friday. Your daily hours and activities will vary, depending on the placement you choose and their requirements.

You will work with a supervisor who guides your tasks, teaches you, and assists you when needed. We recommend that you ask questions, and learn as much as you can from your supervisor. You’ll do research, prepare training, or prepare consulting materials. Depending on your experience, other tasks include giving presentations to the local staff about psychology related topics.

During your free time, you can explore, plan a trip to see the nomads, visit a Mongolian monastery, meet volunteers and interns from around the world, or relax at your host family home.

Male Psychology worker poses with a Psychologist in a health care centre during his internship in Mongolia.

What are the aims and impact of this internship?

There are two main aims to this internship: to provide you with an educational experience and to support those with mental illness.

There is a lack of mental health professionals in Mongolia and there is a need for psychiatrists, psychologists, and occupational therapists. With so few mental health workers available to work with the population, extra hands and a sharing of knowledge are encouraged.

Our programme mission is to enable an exchange of medical knowledge and facilitate a greater understanding of global healthcare practices. By empowering local communities, we aim to improve standards of health through awareness, prevention, and treatment. You will exchange knowledge with psychologists from a different culture, environment, and background. You’ll also gain experience in preparing training materials, and be part of medical outreaches.

Your psychology work experience in Mongolia will give your CV a boost and give you a global perspective on mental health awareness.

Join us on a Psychology Internship in Mongolia, which provides you with observational work experience and benefits the local community.

Projects Abroad Care and Psychology interns pose with staff members of a Health Care Centre during their Psychology placements in Mongolia.


Wir setzen die Ziele und Absichten unserer Projekte in Dokumenten fest, die sich Management Plans nennen. Wir nutzen diese, um deine Arbeit ordentlich zu planen. Die Dokumente helfen uns auch dabei, unsere Leistung und Wirkung jedes Jahr zu evaluieren.

Letztendlich helfen uns die Management Plans dabei, unsere Projekte immer besser zu organisieren. Dadurch kannst du einen Beitrag zu Arbeit leisten, die wirklich einen Unterschied macht, da wo es gebraucht wird. Lies mehr über unsere Management Plans

Das Ausmaß unserer Wirkung

In unseren Projekte arbeiten wir auf klare, langfristige Ziele hin, und verfolgen spezifische, jährliche Ziele. Jede/r Freiwillige/r und jede/r Praktikant/in, die wir in diese Projekte entsenden, tragen zu der Verfolgung dieser Ziele bei, unabhängig davon wieviel Zeit sie in den Projekten verbringen.

Jedes Jahr betrachten wir mit etwas Abstand die Fortschritte, die wir zum Erreichen dieser Ziele gemacht haben. Wir stellen einen Global Impact Report zusammen, in dem unsere Errungenschaften dokumentiert werden. Erfahre mehr über die Wirkung, die unsere globale Gemeinschaft von Freiwilligen, Praktikant/innen und Mitarbeiter/innen erzielen, und lies dir den neuesten Report durch. 

Verpflegung und unterkunft

Du wohnst bei einer Gastfamilie in Ulan Bator. Sie heißen dich in ihrem Zuhause willkommen und freuen sich darauf, ihre Gebräuche mit dir zu teilen und mehr über deine Kultur zu erfahren. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass das Leben in einer Gastfamilie der beste Weg ist, um in die Kultur der Mongolei einzutauchen und eine wirklich einzigartige Erfahrung zu machen.

Wir bemühen uns immer es zu arrangieren, dass du mit zumindest einem/einer weiteren Projects Abroad Freiwilligen oder Praktikant/in in der gleichen Gastfamilie wohnst. Dein Zimmer ist einfach ausgestattet, aber gemütlich, sauber und sicher.

Drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag sind in deinen Programmkosten inbegriffen. 

Erfahre mehr über unsere Unterkünfte

Freizeit und freizeitaktivitäten

Die Mongolei ist eines der abgelegensten Länder der Welt. Bei einem Freiwilligeneinsatz hier hast du die Chance eine ganz andere Lebensweise kennen zu lernen.

Unsere Projekte finden in Ulan Bator, der Hauptstadt des Landes, statt. In dieser Stadt findet man einen vielseitigen Mix an Modernem und Traditionellem. Der Government Palace mit seinem altertümlichen Architekturstil und den leuchtenden, blauen und goldenen Lichtern ist ein perfektes Beispiel hierfür.

Selbst wenn du in der Stadt bist, bist du nie weit vom Land entfernt. Ein kurzer Ausflug bringt dich zu einer Nomadensiedlung, wo du umher reisende Familien, die in traditionellen Jurten leben, kennenlernen kannst. Wir empfehlen dir einen Ausritt mit dem Pferd oder eine Wanderung, um die Schönheit des endlosen Horizonts in der Landschaft zu bestaunen.

Die berühmte Statue von Dschingis Khan solltest du dir unbedingt ansehen. Im Nationalmuseum der Mongolei kannst du mehr über die Geschichte des Landes erfahren.

Wir arbeiten in mehreren verschiedenen Projekten in der Mongolei, und es werden sehr wahrscheinlich noch andere Freiwillige gleichzeitig mit dir im Land sein. Du kannst also entweder alleine reisen, oder das Land gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe gleichgesinnter neuer Freund/innen erkunden. 

Sicherheit und unterstützung durch unsere mitarbeiter/innen

Deine Sicherheit ist unser wichtigstes Anliegen. Wir wenden viele Vorgehensweisen und Systeme an, um sicherzustellen, dass du die nötige Unterstützung bekommst und deine Reise unbesorgt genießen kannst. Unsere Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen stehen dir rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, und sorgen dafür, dass du dich in deiner Unterkunft und in deinem Projekt gut einlebst. Falls du irgendwelche Probleme haben solltest, helfen sie dir jederzeit. 

Erfahre mehr über Sicherheit und Unterstützung. 

Wenn du dich anmeldest, zahlst du nur 295€, was dann vom Gesamtpreis abgezogen wird. Flexible Zahlungsmethoden und fundraising-Ratschläge erhältlich.

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