Auf einen Blick
- Discover different archaeological sites around Cusco and the Sacred Valley
- Learn directly from experienced archaeologists as you uncover and protect ancient Incan and Pre Incan structures and artefacts
- When you’re not working, our staff will organise fun cultural activities and an exciting weekend trip to Machu Picchu.
Is volunteer archaeology for groups in Peru right for me?
Are you a history enthusiast? Do you want to know more about how the ancient Inca people lived? If so, this is the project for you!
This project is also ideal if you want to explore an interest in archaeology, history, or anthropology. The experience you get will add value to your CV, and a professional archaeologist will teach you what you need to know.
This project is available for anyone who is 18 and over. You do not need any experience or qualification to take part. Our staff and archaeological team in Peru will guide you through all your work activities, and will oversee all your weekend activities as well.

What will I do on this project?
In Peru, you’ll join a group of adults and take part in various exciting archaeological activities. Your project work can include the following:
- Work with professional archaeologists and help with their activities at famous sites
- Attend presentations to learn more about the ancient Incan Empire
- Help preserve and maintain national heritage sites
- Take part in community outreach days to give back to the local community
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Work with professional archaeologists and help with their activities at famous sites
You will spend a large amount of time working at archaeological sites. You’ll join our archaeological team, and they’ll teach you everything you need to know. You’ll gain experience with activities like:
- Mapping
- Workshops (drawing, registry works, ceramics and weaving)
- Cleaning and maintaining current sites
- Exploring areas for new sites
- Classifying artefacts
Attend presentations to learn more about the ancient Incan Empire
We also teach you a lot about archaeology outside of sites. Our staff will organise presentations for your group to give you a deeper insight to local history and events. You’ll learn about the famous ancient Inca death cults, the Great Inca Rebellion and more.
Help preserve and maintain national heritage sites
As an Archaeology volunteer, you’ll become part of our efforts to protect and preserve natural heritage sites.
You’ll work at Incan and Pre Incan ruins in and around the Cusco area. Unfortunately, some of the ruins here have been damaged by tourists in the past. You’ll help preserve and maintain these sites, so we can protect the country’s history.
Take part in community outreach days to give back to the local community
Aside from archaeological work, there will also be opportunities to help the local community. We will organise community outreach days in disadvantaged areas. For example, you can paint and renovate a play area at a local school.
Where will I work in Peru?
You’ll live in Cusco, the second largest city in Peru, and stay with a local host family.
Today, Cusco is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near the Urubamba Valley in the Andes mountain range. The city is filled with beautiful architecture from many centuries of civilisation. You should definitely try local Peruvian dishes like ceviche (Peru’s national dish), rocoto relleno (stuffed spicy peppers), or lomo saltado (stir fried beef).
Most of your project work will take place outside of Cusco. We work at various archaeological sites.
Over the weekend, our staff will take your group to visit other ancient wonders. These include Ollantaytambo, where the Inca fought their last battle with the Conquistadors, and Machu Picchu.
What are the aims and impact of this project?
The main aim of this project is to advance research into the ancient civilisations of South America. We work with experienced archaeologists to do this. This partnership allows us to uncover and protect ancient Incan and Pre Incan structures and artefacts.
This kind of research is critical. By having a deeper understanding of the past, we can see how it has shaped our present. This is also a way to protect history and cultural heritage.
We rely on volunteers like you to help us do this. Travelling to Peru is also a way for you to gain experience and do something different and unique. It is especially valuable if you want to study history, anthropology, or archaeology at university. You’ll learn from professional archaeologists and do hands-on work at some of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.
Join us in Peru and work with other volunteers to continue to uncover the past, and explore your passion for archaeology and history.
Das Ausmaß unserer Wirkung
In unseren Projekte arbeiten wir auf klare, langfristige Ziele hin, und verfolgen spezifische, jährliche Ziele. Jede/r Freiwillige/r und jede/r Praktikant/in, die wir in diese Projekte entsenden, tragen zu der Verfolgung dieser Ziele bei, unabhängig davon wieviel Zeit sie in den Projekten verbringen.
Jedes Jahr betrachten wir mit etwas Abstand die Fortschritte, die wir zum Erreichen dieser Ziele gemacht haben. Wir stellen einen Global Impact Report zusammen, in dem unsere Errungenschaften dokumentiert werden. Erfahre mehr über die Wirkung, die unsere globale Gemeinschaft von Freiwilligen, Praktikant/innen und Mitarbeiter/innen erzielen, und lies dir den neuesten Report durch.
Verpflegung und unterkunft
Du wohnst bei einer Gastfamilie in Cusco. Sie heißen dich in ihrem Zuhause willkommen und freuen sich darauf, ihre Gebräuche mit dir zu teilen und mehr über deine Kultur zu erfahren. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass das Leben in einer Gastfamilie der beste Weg ist, um in die Kultur Perus einzutauchen und eine wirklich einzigartige Erfahrung zu machen.
Wir bemühen uns immer es zu arrangieren, dass du mit zumindest einem/einer weiteren Projects Abroad Freiwilligen oder Praktikant/in in der gleichen Gastfamilie wohnst. Dein Zimmer ist einfach ausgestattet, aber gemütlich, sauber und sicher.
Drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag sind in deinen Programmkosten inbegriffen.
Sicherheit und unterstützung durch unsere mitarbeiter/innen
Deine Sicherheit ist unser wichtigstes Anliegen. Wir wenden viele Vorgehensweisen und Systeme an, um sicherzustellen, dass du die nötige Unterstützung bekommst und deine Reise unbesorgt genießen kannst. Unsere Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen stehen dir rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, und sorgen dafür, dass du dich in deiner Unterkunft und in deinem Projekt gut einlebst. Falls du irgendwelche Probleme haben solltest, helfen sie dir jederzeit.
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