A group of volunteers abroad spend an afternoon learning about Masaai culture in Tanzania, Africa.


Blogartikel über Freiwilligenarbeit im Ausland, das Reisen und Neuigkeiten zu Projects Abroad
Volunteers on the canopy walkway in the forest

Von Sara Macdonald 14 Januar 2022

Sara's Story: Part 2 - Working with Animals in the Amazon Rainforest
Want to work with animals in Peru? Hear Sara's story of volunteering abroad for a year
Guadalajara, Mexico

Von Sara Macdonald 07 Dezember 2021

Sara's Story: Volunteering Abroad for a Year
Want to help migrants in Mexico? Hear Sara's story of volunteering abroad for a year

Von Greg Thomson 05 November 2021

Projects Abroad Declares a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Projects Abroad declares a Climate Emergency and we launch our Climate and Biodiversity Action Plan
A newly hatched turtle crawls across the sand to reach the ocean in Mexico.

Von Isabel Silva 22 Juni 2020

5 Things to Expect when Travelling to Mexico for the First Time
There’s more to Mexico than beaches, sombreros, tacos, and tequila. Here’s what you can really expect when travelling to Mexico for the first time.
A Projects Abroad volunteer is washing her hands while volunteering abroad.

Von Ashwin September 28 Mai 2020

A Guide on How to Stay Healthy when Travelling Abroad
Health and wellness while travelling are more important than ever in 2020. Take a look at our travel wellness tips for anyone seeking adventure and purpose abroad.
A stunning view of Table Mountain in Cape Town, captured by someone travelling to South Africa.

Von Ashwin September and Stephanie Klink 15 Mai 2020

6 Things to Expect When Travelling to South Africa
Travelling to South Africa for the first time can be a leap into the unknown. Here are a few things you can expect on your first trip to Cape Town, South Africa.

Von Lea Ernst 14 Februar 2020

10 Reisetipps für Sri Lanka: Die ultimative Checkliste
Was packen für Sri Lanka? Brauche ich ein Visa für Sri Lanka? Was für Impfungen brauche ich für Sri Lanka? Kann ich in Sri Lanka Shorts tragen?
A close up picture of Kenyan bead work showing the Kenyan national flag in one of our bucket list destinations

Von Ashwin September 31 Oktober 2019

Die 10 schönsten Reiseziele für deine Bucket-Liste
Entdecke reisend die Schönheit der Erde, leiste Freiwilligenarbeit, tauche in Belize oder entdecke die Weiten der Savanne Kenias.

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